Contact Boulder Pass

Ron Cavuto
dba Boulder Pass Development
Hudson NH

Phone: 603-594-3712

About Boulder Pass

How Website Extensions Work

Boulder Pass Website Extensions enable you to extend your existing website without requiring any alteration to it. The Website Extension is a second website, hosted for free, that duplicates the look and feel of your existing website, making your new web apps an integral part of your existing site. While browsing the custom web application pages of the Website Extension, users will have access to all the navigation menus duplicated from your existing website, so navigating back and forth between the Website Extension and your existing website is seamless.

My Space

To activate your Website Extension, you simply place a link on your menu to your new custom developed Website Extension (this link is usually called "My Space" to highlight how this area can be logged into for a customized personal experience). The new Website Extension site will have public user areas, private areas for registered users to log into, and separate Administrative areas for your authorized employees.


The Website Extension is Hosted at the Boulder Pass maintained server at Interserver.NET. This enables Boulder Pass to develop and support the Website Extension remotely (though onsite development work on this hosted application is available if preferred).

The Boulder Pass host site has all the technologies necessary for running the Boulder Pass ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server database-powered web applications. This hosting environment enables modern, secure web application development backed by an enterprise grade MS SQL Server database system.

Domain Name

The link to your new Website Extension requires a Domain Name that points to your new hosted Website Extension. By convention, this domain name is the same as your existing domain name with an "ext" suffix added. Using this convention, your Website Extension domain name is consistent with your existing domain name.

The domain name is usually registered through Network Solutions, which is the original internet registrar, rather than through any hosting company, assuring you the ability to directly make any technical changes in the future. Boulder Pass sets up this domain using your authorized party's user info, assuring that you have permanent control of the domain name.

The Foundation

Once established, the Website Extension can serve as a Foundation on which many future applications can be added. The menu system can grow to include new applications to address the changing needs of your business.

Contact Boulder Pass

Click the Contact Link in the upper left to explore your options with Boulder Pass.